Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bukit Kutu @ Kuala Kubu Baru - 22.11.2009

这座山不容易爬!!我们从早上九点开始进入森林,前面的头一个小时我们走错了方向。天下着毛毛细雨, 泥路湿湿滑得很(我跌了不少,屁股到现在还在痛着)。平时少做运动的我突然间要不停的往上爬,实在是... 好吃力,爬到半路时脚抽筋了(还好这只是轻微的,我还能够控制)。这里的水蛭(吸血鬼)很多,要小心!

男生们体力比较好,他们都走得好快。走到了第一个休息站,我得到了一个奖赏(Ah Lew 借我他的 Hiking Sticks),有了他我就不会走得那么的辛苦。路途中有 SY、CL、Ah Lew、Lkk 和 Ah Chan 的帮忙与照顾,让我顺利的在中午两点多到达巅峰(开心地听到他们的鼓掌声)。休息、吃东西、喝喝水和拍拍照,用了大约四十五分钟的时间。下山虽然比上山快,但是泥路很滑很危险,要很小心。我们在大约五点三十分下到来,然后在河边玩水冲凉真痛快!

爬山最需要的不能忽略:一双塑胶鞋(临时买不到所以穿了一双烂鞋,烂鞋虽烂但它还是安安全全的带我走完整座山)、两公升水(一百号可补充体力)、食物(巧克力、面包、饼干和糖果 等等比较容易带的又能补充体力的)、手电筒、还有准备多一套干净的衣服和裤子。

Friday, November 13, 2009


读一篇文章;看一场电影;吃一顿饭;闲聊一些话题 等等..

就因为我在乎的 太多

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Terry Fox Run 2009

我们都穿着黑色 Terry Fox Run 2009 衣服一同跑步/散步
老老少少 & 小小可爱Babies

起初我不懂 不懂他的来源

Terry Fox was 18 years old when he was diagnosed with bone cancer. His right leg was amputated above the knee. Whilst in hospital, Terry was moved by the suffering of cancer patients, particularly children. So much so that he resolved to run across Canada (a distance of 8,500 kilometers) to raise money for cancer research. He called his journey the “Marathon of Hope”. Terry Fox, an amputee, ran a marathon (42 kilometers) a day for 143 consecutive days - a total distance of 5,373 kilometers. At that stage, Terry was forced to abandon his run as the cancer spread to his lungs. Terry Fox died at the tender age of 21. Before he died, he knew that a fund-raising event would be held each year, with the same objectives as the Marathon of Hope - to help find a cure for cancer.

Since 1981, the Terry Fox Run has raised more than RM1.3 billion in aid of cancer research around the world. You would be interested to note the Terry Fox Foundation requires that the funds raised be used for cancer research in the country where the Run is held. The Terry Fox Run in Malaysia has since 2001 raised more than RM500,000/-.

The t-shirts will be sold at RM25 per piece and all funds collected goes to CARIF - Cancer Research Initiative Foundation of Malaysia (http://www.carif.com.my) This is an annual event held worldwide every year to raise funds for cancer research.

He wouldn't have run 3,000 miles and raised millions for cancer research if he had said, "Let someone else do it"